+100 roofs restored in Charkiv region over the last winter
More and more territories of our country are liberated. We visited Charkiv region to investigate the situation there. The villages of Дергачі / Derhači community were deoccupied in September 2022. Being under occupation and permanently under heavy shelling, the residents had no opportunity to repair their roofs and prepare for the cold winter.
On average, €1 750 is needed to cover the roof of one house. By helping the citizens of the village to cover the roof of the house, we not only provide them with warmth and dryness of the house, but also save their property. If houses are not closed for the winter, all their property and furniture will rot because of low temperatures and humidity. Thus, repairment in the spring may cost thousands of euros. Such support is very important for people whose house miraculously survived
In November 2022, 5 days after the first trip, together with friends and benefactors, we collected money and delivered the material for the first 7 houses. This is how the process of restoring roofs in the villages of the Charkiv region began.
At the moment, more than 100 roofs have already been restored in Слатине / Slatyne, Дергачі / Derhači, Прудянка / Prudianka, Цупівка / Cupivka, Макарове / Makarove, and work continues in the Charkiv region.
In Слатине / Slatyne, we made a 600 m2 roof in an outpatient clinic, as well as a 900 m2 roof of an 16 apartment building.

16 apartment building
The 900 m2 roof of an 16 apartment building restored in Слатине / Slatyne village, Charkiv region.
Since March, this house has been under constant shelling, but in June there was a direct hit to the roof. There are still holes from the explosions near the house and the windows of the building are broken.
Due to the destruction, the roof of the building leaked for a long time, damaging apartments and ruining people’s property. High humidity in the house led to the appearance of fungus and mold in apartments, swelling of the floor, and damage of wallpapers and furniture.
We saw that some people live in it and some of them constantly come and try to trim the apartment. Grandfather Anatolij didn’t leave the village, lived in this house all the time.
We decided to support the residents of this house and make a new roof for the building, thus we support a lot of families at one time. The area of the roof is large and it was not an easy job while severe frosts, snow and hard wind.
Now the house already has a new roof and the residents are very happy. Moreover, their neighbors will now be able to return home.

Outpatient clinic
The 600 m2 roof of an outpatient clinic restored in Слатине / Slatyne village, Charkiv region.
Outpatient clinic was badly damaged when a projectile landed directly on the roof of the building.
Immediately after liberation of this region in the village there were up to 300 people. All of them needed medical advice and a doctor’s examination. Currently, the number of inhabitants of the village has increased to approximately 600 people. At the moment, the hospitals and small medical centers in the nearby villages have been destroyed, that’s why hospital in Slatyne, after renovation, is planned to be a support medical facility for the nearby villages.
We are glad that we were able to cover the roof of the hospital and save the surviving equipment from precipitation, as we understand what an important social role this hospital plays for local