School projects are also important for us, because traditionally life in village revolves around the school. If the educational institution is ready to open,then the children and their parents will return to the villages.

Olyzarivka, Kyiv region:
In summer we repaired the damaged wooden roof structures and covered 270 m2 of roof with slate.

Novyj Bykiv, Černihiv region:
In summer we repaired the damaged wooden roof structures and covered 270 m2 of roof with slate.School in Новий Биків / Novyj Bykiv, Černihiv region: We installed 63 new windows in the classrooms, corridors and sports hall of the school, installed 5 new entrance doors from different sides of the building. Carried out a complete restoration of the glass blocks of the windows in the sports hall. Currently, we are doing plastering works at school.